Whatever trade shows, expos or even coffee shops for that matter that Jess went to in the earlier days of Jessicurl she invariably met people that she carried with her for the rest of her days. She did not only leave an impact on everybody she met but cherished the impact that they made on her. Haley Rhine was no exception.
Let’s then take a peek back at Jess’ immediate and long lasting friendship with Haley Rhine from Kentucky.
I first met Haley at the World Natural Hair Show in Atlanta a few years ago. She literally BOUNCED up to my table to say hi, and well, needless to say, we were instant friends. :) (As a bouncy person myself, I appreciate my fellow bouncy-folks.) I was SO happy to get to see her again on my recent trip to Atlanta and can’t wait until our paths can cross (and bounce) again. I just knew I had to include her in my series of Curly Chronicle blog posts. :) Thank you Haley, for letting me feature you, and for your wonderful enthusiasm over the years. I love you!!! :)
Your name: Haley Rhine
Tell me about your curly hair journey. Did you always have a curly hair style, or like many of us, did it go curly at a certain point in your life?
I have had nearly every style imaginable; natural curls, braids, jheri curls, relaxer, extensions, flat-ironed… I have worn my curls off and on over the years. I committed to staying curly in 2008.
When you were a kid, let’s say, under the age of 12, how did you feel about your hair? Did you get along with it?
No! I had naturally curly hair that my mother pressed using a pressing comb to make it straight, however my active sporting and running around would quickly revert it back to a big fluffy mess.
Did that relationship change at all during your adolescent years?
My adolescent years were all about experimentation including creative short cuts and color. I changed (and damaged) my hair so often but I always liked the styles I chose.
If you fought with your curly hair for a portion of your life, at what age/point in your life did you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?
Not until adulthood. I did not like using chemical relaxers to straighten my hair however I only thought my curls were cute when my hair was short. As it grew longer it was just a puffy mess so I used heat to straighten it and constantly battled against reversion. Finally in 2008 I decided to go natural and to wear my naturally curly hair texture.
How did the people in your life react to that decision?
I did it for my daughter and I think it had the largest impact on her. She was a pre-teen and felt the pressure to chemically straighten her naturally curly hair just as I had at her age. When I embraced my curls I felt she did also.
If you always loved and accepted your curls, is there someone in your life that you feel was helpful in helping you with that? If you had to accept them later in life, is there someone who you feel was helpful in accepting/loving your curls then?
I would say that the online community message boards really helped me connect with others who were like me and trying to embrace their hair.
When, and in what context did you first hear of Jessicurl?
On the message boards at naturallycurly.com
What made you decide to try Jessicurl the first time?
I heard great reviews on these curly hair products, they were natural and someone was swapping a bottle for cheap so I decided to try it.
Clearly, since you’re being featured on my blog, you liked the products and have continued to use them. :) What was different about them and what made you keep coming back to them?
I could tell that for once I was using a hair care product that was DESIGNED for curly hair and they worked! Jess is such a wonderful person and I love her spirit and the way she cheers for curlies everywhere.
How has your relationship with your hair changed or evolved during your time using Jessicurl products?
I learned so much about my hair, what it likes and what works. My hair is so much happier because of it.
Please tell me whatever else you’d like me to know about you and your hair and your experience with it.
Curly hair is curly hair. Whether you have a loose wave, winding curl or springy coil these products are made for you!
We are happy to report that Haley is still very much embracing her life, her family, her community and her curls. You can find her on Instagram @hereismyspout where her last post was a touching tribute to the woman that we all miss so much.